Winter survey break: WSFM’s Jonesy & Amanda find an Ugly Phil-in

Catch Phil on WSFM breakfast for the next two weeks – or until stock runs out

WSFM’s Jonesy & Amanda are going on a mid-year two week break, so how do you cover a high rating, consistently entertaining show? By finding the exact opposite – the Ugly Phil-in.

Ugly Phil (or Uncle Bill as Amanda thinks he’s called), has hassled everyone he follows on Instagram to find celebrity guests, and so far has organised Russell Crowe, Alice Cooper, Wil Anderson and somebody from Dancing With The Stars – but so far Nicole Kidman has still blocked him.

He’ll also chat with the man with the world’s deepest voice, the woman with the world’s best memory, a scientist who can turn you into a robot, and Ugly will attempt to answer life’s great questions like: what exactly did the actress say to the bishop?

WSFM content director Mike Byrne said “So far I’ve been very cynical of Phil’s approach to his success, and I’ve been proven right every time… but I’m not getting up early and who else is gonna do it?!”

Catch Uncle Bill on WSFM breakfast for the next two weeks – or until stock runs out.

In March, ARN celebrated the 18th birthday of Jonesy and Amanda in Sydney. The WSFM rating magnets didn’t leave the event till close to 10pm and then were back at the Western Sydney ARN Towers HQ close to 5am the next morning.

The party was held at an upmarket eastern suburbs wine bar and guests of honour were some lucky Jonesy and Amanda listeners. The guests were entertained by some sparkling Amanda Keller and Brendan Jones banter and rock and roll legend Richard Clapton.

Other guests included Simon Grace, Leonie Collins, Fiona King, Ford Ennals and Susie Michaels.

See Also: JAM nation: ARN parties hard to celebrate Jonesy and Amanda radio milestone
See Also: “It doesn’t feel that long”: Looking back on 18 years of Jonesy & Amanda

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