Val Morgan Digital and LADbible Group expand into APAC

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The expansion of LADbible Group’s brands means Val Morgan Digital will reach an additional 5.6 million monthly active users.

Val Morgan Digital is expanding into APAC, and will manage commercial representation for LADbible Group across markets including India, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines.

The move is effective immediately and builds on the five-year commercial partnership between Val Morgan Digital and LADbible Group in Australia and New Zealand.

See also: LADbible Group inks five-year strategic deal with Val Morgan Digital

The expansion of LADbible Group’s brands means Val Morgan Digital will reach an additional 5.6 million monthly active users across Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam.

“We are thrilled to build on our successful partnership with LADbible Group and expand this renowned global brand across APAC,” said Brian Florido, managing director at Val Morgan Digital. 

“We’ve identified an opportunity to expand into other key markets to give brands an even greater opportunity to connect with their target audiences.”

The expansion includes programmatic representation, allowing clients to leverage targeting capabilities and real-time optimisation to enhance campaign performance. It also involves partnership development and content campaigns.

Florido added: “Through the combination of this new opportunity, our audience insights via our partnership with Audigent, and our comprehensive campaign reporting capabilities with Brand Metrics, we’ve now got an unmatched offering and are well-positioned to drive the most impactful campaigns to deliver exceptional results for brands.”

Solly Solomou, CEO of LADbible Group, said “expanding LADbible Group into APAC has been a longstanding goal.” 

“We’re excited to build upon our strong partnership with the Val Morgan Digital team and further strengthen LADbible Group’s position as the go-to global digital entertainment business for young adults in the APAC region,” Solomou added.

“Val Morgan Digital has demonstrated a robust capacity for driving growth, and their deep understanding of the dynamic APAC market, combined with their strategic approach to digital media, makes them an ideal partner for our business objectives.”

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