TV Guide: SAS Australia season finale

sas australia

• The season final and debrief reunion special airs 7.30pm Tuesday 29 March on Channel 7 and 7plus.

The season final and debrief reunion special of SAS Australia airs 7.30pm Tuesday 29 March on Channel 7 and 7plus.

The finale will see the final four recruits face their greatest test: a petrifying helicopter insertion into enemy territory, where they must cover their tracks before retrieving a bag from a 100-metre-high cliff face.

After the season final, recruits will return to base camp to debrief the season in the reunion special.

This season, 17 Australian personalities started the SAS process. The four star recruits entering the final day of selection are:

Darius Boyd, 34 – Retired NRL Star
Locky Gilbert, 32 – Reality TV Star
Millie Boyle, 23 – NRLW Player
Riana Crehan, 34 – Motorsports Presenter


Monday’s episode saw Olympic diver Melissa Wu quit through injury and exhaustion after the final challenge required recruits to be tethered together to complete a package extraction through five kilometres of dense mangroves in just 45 minutes.

“Before I was just a diver, an athlete and everybody saw me as that and that alone. This experience has shown me that I’m a lot more than that. Just that strength of mind, strength of body, strength of character… this experience really pulled that out of me and showed me that I can be all of those things I am as an athlete but in a completely different way and in all areas of my life.” Wu admitted.

The first task saw the recruits plunge into a freezing pit of ice and fight through cold water shock to answer a series of rapid-fire questions.

TV personality Locky Gilbert was the only recruit to fail, struggling to provide reliable information before recruits wrote and read out their death letters – the letter military personnel write to their loved ones before heading out on operations, just in case they don’t make it.

Watch SAS Australia season finale and debrief reunion special on Channel 7 and 7 plus from 7:30pm Tuesday 29 March.

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