Uncomfortable Growth® Uncut

Unmasking success: The Raw and Real Journeys of Todays Leaders

“Every piece of content from high profile leaders today screams success.  From the keynote stage. From the competitive business pitch” – LinkedIn.

Mediaweek’s new podcast “Uncomfortable Growth® Uncut” with Rowena Millward is a space where we strip away the gloss and perfection, diving into the gritty reality of what it means to grow, lead, and live authentically. We explore the pivotal moments that test us to our core, the times when everything feels uncertain, and the only way forward is to dig deep and find the courage to keep going.

Which is why every guest on the Uncomfortable Growth Uncut podcast gets asked the same question: What is your Uncomfortable Growth® story?

Its unscripted. Unrehearsed. What they say is unknown (even to us!). It can be about anything: work, life, relationships, failures, business and family.  It’s about the real story, and what they have learnt as they have navigated the twists and turns of real life.

This first series invites 10 incredible, high profile Media Industry Leaders to share their Uncomfortable Growth® story. You will already know their names and now you have the chance to hear their backstory, and how this has shaped them.

Learn more about Uncomfortable Growth here.


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