TV Guide: Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? on 10 and 10 Play

Mirror Mirror: Are You Well?

Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? premieres Wednesday, November 22 at 7.30 pm

Todd Sampson returns with Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? looking at the wellness industry and asks the question is it making us well or merely thinning our wallets?

Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? premieres Wednesday, 22 November at 7:30 pm on 10 and 10 Play.

In an industry worth $5,000,000,000,000, Todd Sampson again will put his body on the line to uncover the truth. 

Over two consecutive nights, Sampson will be looking at some of the therapies that are skin-crawling, or in some instances, bloodsucking. The program ultimately sets out to showcase what actually works and why you may not want to take health advice from an influencer.

Speaking on Mediaweek and Chattr’s The Entertainment Hotline Podcast ahead of the launch, Todd Sampson admitted that while he’s “not saying that everyone is putting out misinformation, it’s important that there’s either regulation or healthy scepticism and that we don’t take everything for what it is because it can kill you.”

“It’s not just getting crystals on your forehead,” he said. “It’s getting bees stung into your body. It’s taking psychedelics in an unsupervised way.”

The 53-year-old was also very vocal about his concern for “internet doctors” like Joe Rogan and Gwyneth Paltrow — the latter, who, in the new documentary, refused to see him. 

While some critics have accused Sampson of merely disliking Paltrow, he said: “I don’t know her. Either, Gwyneth Paltrow is a somewhat loving, kind, naive person who is just doing everything to help other people and that’s her sole focus in life, or she is a clever, somewhat ruthless capitalist who washed her hands of the outcomes. Maybe it’s somewhere in the middle, but I want to believe she’s on that side.”

Read more: “It can kill you”: Todd Sampson’s brutal look at the wellness industry in latest Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror: Are You Well? premieres Wednesday, November 22 at 7.30 pm on 10 And 10 Play.

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