Man of Many innovates digital storytelling as it brings Google Web Stories to readers

Man of Many

“Google Web Stories provide a new opportunity to reach a broader audience and enhance our SEO value”

Man of Many has continued to innovate in digital storytelling by bringing to readers the engaging experience of Google Web Stories, an immersive content format launched in partnership with Google.

Google Web Stories, powered by AMP Technology, allow a unique blend of videos, images, text, and animations in a user-interactive format for the Australian men’s lifestyle digital publication. Users can tap through the content or swipe from one piece to the next at their own pace, offering a fresh take on content consumption.

What sets Google Web Stories apart from traditional social media stories is the ability for creators to publish stories on their owned website channels without a time limit. The stories can be discovered through Google searches, Google Discover, and Google Image Search, bringing a unique opportunity for brands to better engage their audience beyond the usual reach of social media platforms.

Scott Purcell, co-founder of Man of Many, said: “Man of Many is always at the forefront of technology, looking for new ways to connect with our audience and provide them with the most engaging content. The introduction of Google Web Stories to our site is another step in that direction. It allows us to offer our readers a unique, dynamic, and interactive content experience.”

Not only do Google Web Stories offer a unique user experience, but they also provide immense benefits to brands, such as full creative control, cross-platform content creation, a higher degree of customisation, and enhanced SEO value.

Frank Arthur, co-founder of Man of Many, said: “Google Web Stories provide a new opportunity to reach a broader audience and enhance our SEO value. This technology offers greater design freedom and unlimited viewability, making our content more accessible and engaging for our readers.”

With Google Web Stories, Man of Many is able to tell more dynamic, engaging stories, delivering a unique blend of lifestyle, culture, and style news that the brand is renowned for. This innovative step continues to position Man of Many at the forefront of digital storytelling, leading the way for other brands and businesses.

As the publication continues to pioneer in the adoption of innovative technologies, the company reaffirms its commitment to delivering high-quality, original, and thoroughly vetted content, ensuring that the standards of journalistic integrity and authenticity are maintained.

Web Stories can appear on Google Discover on Android and iOS via the latest Google app in the form of a carousel near the top of the feed. The carousel is available in the United States, India, and Brazil and is expected to roll out to Australia soon.

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