Everything you need to know about Blow Up on Seven

blow up

Blow Up premieres Monday 15th May at 7:30 pm on Seven and 7Plus

Seven’s balloon-making competition, Blow Up, premieres at 7:30 pm Monday, 15 May on Channel Seven and 7plus

In a celebration of skill, precision, creativity and joy, Blow Up transforms the humble balloon into jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring artistic creations.

10 talented Australian balloon artists will be hosted by acclaimed actor and funny-man Stephen Curry, as well as quick-witted comedian Becky Lucas. Blow Up will showcase the competitors’ creativity across several weeks of challenges, as they are charged with turning ordinary balloons into works of art.

With the title of the inaugural Blow Up Australia Champion and $100,000 in prize money on the line, the serious task of judging the balloon creations falls to Chris Adamo, CBA (Certified Balloon Artist).

An industry icon with 26 years of experience, Chris has taught and created balloon masterpieces worldwide and will be looking for technical prowess, creativity, texture, colour and cohesion across the builds.

Dexterity will dominate small-scale speed challenges, while huge, show-stopping sculptures will take many hours to perfect. After a mix of solo and team builds where the sky is the limit; artists must then prepare to go head-to-head in Balloon Battles, where they will build to keep their place in the competition.

Host Stephen Curry dives headfirst into the balloon world and it’s not long before Stephen has the lingo down pat and is speaking the language of the talented balloon artists. 

When asked what surprised him the most about balloon artistry since he had been on the show’s set, he said what surprised him is how bad he is at it. 

“I’d hoped I’d at least learn to make something to impress my children with, but alas, nothing. The skill, talent and creativity of the artists on our show is nothing short of spectacular,” he said. 

Co-host Becky Lucas said she was genuinely surprised by what the contestants could do with balloons. 

“I thought I was walking in prepared, but I was shocked every time I saw them use a new technique to create something. I was also surprised by how established the scene is in Australia and how supportive they are of each other. If someone learns a new technique that helps create a better balloon creation, they share it with their friends as soon as they can,” she said. 

Blow Up premieres Monday 15th May at 7:30 pm on Seven and 7Plus

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