ARN and Triton Digital take home APAC Broadcasting+ Award for Media Strategy

arn triton

The winning project was ARN’s migration of live audio streaming content delivery to Triton Digital’s platform

ARN, in partnership with Triton Digital, have received the APAC Broadcasting+ Award for Media Strategy.

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+ Awards put the spotlight on brilliance in the broadcasting industry. The program seeks to recognise innovation and excellence in projects that advance the field of broadcasting in the areas of technology, digitalization, and engineering.

The specific project that won was ARN’s migration of its live audio streaming content delivery to Triton Digital’s platform. ARN made the strategic decision to partner with Triton Digital as their streaming technology provider to host content delivery, measurement, and advertising capabilities on a single full featured stack that is designed for audio, along with dedicated enterprise level support.

Due to this project, ARN listeners are now able to experience high quality audio streams with accurate metadata and volume normalization, resulting in an enhanced listening experience. Currently, ARN’s digital listenership continues to grow, with a doubling of Session Starts and Total Listening Hours month after month. The project’s success has served as a reference point, highlighting the effective synergy between technology and people.

Daniel Ennis, ARN’s digital broadcast manager said “’As one of Australia’s leading audio companies, we understand the importance of investing in our digital streaming operations to meet the evolving needs of our audience. Our listeners now enjoy a superior audio experience with personalized, relevant ads. The improved metadata solution has also unlocked new advertising and revenue opportunities, thanks to Triton Digital.’’

Simon Lee, audio marketplace operations director for Triton Digital added “We are thrilled by the growth ARN has experienced upon integrating Triton’s technology to expand its streaming efforts in Australia. We strive to help our partners deliver the best audio experience possible. Thank you to the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+ Awards for recognising our hard work and proud partnership with ARN.”

See Also: ARN continue their exclusive radio partnership for the 63rd TV WEEK Logie Awards

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