ACA workshops and courses help foster the industry’s long-term prosperity


• The ACA also endorse courses by the AdSchool, IPA, and AWARD)

The Advertising Council Australia (ACA) is the peak body for Australia’s leading agencies in the advertising industry.

The organisation aims to foster the industry’s long-term prosperity, making advertising the most valued professional services industry in Australia.

The ACA offers training workshops to help grow and develop talent, including Codes and Compliance and Cultural Capability Training and webinars about new laws and regulations for the advertising industry and brand strategy.

They also endorse courses by the AdSchool, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), and The Australasian Writers and Art Directors (AWARD).

Programs delivered by the AdSchool are recognised nationally and taught by leaders in the industry. The courses are designed to be engaging, interactive and thought-provoking. The courses are offered online – through recorded lectures and working tutorial sessions.

IPA certificates, residential and online, are recognised internationally and are world-leading in marketing communications. The course – from fundamentals to new-starters to challenging residentials for senior executes and strategists.

AWARD is a non-political, non-profit organisation aimed at raising the standards in all creative areas. The training programs are essential for anyone looking to nurture the craft of brand storytelling.

The courses cover account management, strategy and creativity and cater to different career stages; entry-level (0-2 years), intermediate (3-5 years) and advanced (6-8+ years).

More information about the courses can be found here.

In their manifesto, the ACA noted that to advertise is to earn attention through cultural participation; as means and modes of connecting with audiences develop, industry reinvention is constant.

The organisation aims to encourage the will to challenge and the courage to take risks and grow in diversity of craft and talent.

The ACA has said that they are committed to advancing the practice, reputation, and influence of the advertising industry through career development and leadership, demonstrating the value our industry contributes to commerce and society and serving as a tireless champion of creativity.

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