What happens when magazine is promoted, priced competitively

• Australian Traveller to reprint collector’s edition after selling out

• 100 Ways to Holiday Here This Year so successful reprint ordered
• Retailers asking for more copies to keep up with demand
Woolworths distribution added to increase footprint

While magazines are being closed and withdrawn from circulation, Australian Traveller magazine has achieved the impossible – a reprint of its 100 Ways to Holiday Here This Year collector’s edition.

Australian Traveller Media has released the following details:

The original distribution of the 100 Ways to Holiday Here This Year went on sale June 25 and sold out in more than 250 newsagents in three days. A day later more than 50% of the allocation had flown off the shelves.

Supported by a PR and TV campaign, the special issue also included an exclusive oversized wall map.

“The cover, the wall map, the content, the TVC and PR all proved so successful that I actually didn’t believe it until our distributor confirmed the extent of the sell-outs,” said Australian Traveller co-founder Quentin Long.

“We really haven’t been able to keep up with demand. We were selling an issue every 10 seconds from 7.45am until about 11am on June 25 through our website. Newsagents have been calling us for the last four weeks asking for more copies,” he continued.

The magazine cover price was reduced to cost, $3.95 from $9.95, to assist the local tourism industry suffering from the effects of bushfires and COVID-19.

“I didn’t want to profit from Australians finding their next amazing Aussie experience and putting much needed money into the tills of Aussie tourism businesses.” Long said.

The reprint was made possible by Woolworths offering to stock the special edition for four weeks from mid-August.

“When Woolworths offered us the chance to be in 650-plus stores we wanted to jump at it and thankfully managed to find the additional funds to make it happen.” Long continued.

“I am just happy that all those people who emailed and called and missed out will now be able to get a copy and find their next Aussie holiday,” he added.

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