ThinkPremiumDigital finds premium video generates more ad attention than social video


• The research showed time spent on a platform is different from the attention paid to advertising

New research from ThinkPremiumDigital has found that five hours of social video consumption is required to generate just one minute of video advertising attention versus 12 minutes of premium video.

Advertising platforms have long shared usage data to demonstrate the effectiveness and justify the investment, but the new research showed time spent on a platform is markedly different from the attention paid to advertising.  

The third phase of The Benchmark Series, conducted by audience research lab MediaScience, used eye-tracking and neurometric measures to quantify how overall time spent on a platform converts to ad attention, specifically for video advertising.

Time spent needed to generate 1 minute of ad attention

The research found an hour of premium video generates 2.6 times more visual attention to ads than YouTube and 25 times more than video advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

Premium video refers to short and long-form video housed in the digital environments of known and trusted media brands that are brand-safe and offer meaningful scale.

MediaScience’s Dr Duane Varan said: “As we’ve consistently demonstrated, environments matter. The case for premium video continues to strengthen with this research showing its ability to deliver ad exposure and even more importantly, advertising attention.”

Earlier this year, We Are Social’s Digital 2022 Australia Report claimed Australians spend up to 17 hours per month on specific social platforms, however, ThinkPremiumDigital general manager Venessa Hunt advised advertisers to look deeper into these figures when planning media investment.

ThinkPremiumDigital ad attention

Ad attention per hour

“If you use ‘time spent’ data to guide your media choices, make sure it’s time spent with advertising. After all, if people aren’t spending time with ads, there’s little point investing in the platform,” she said.

“We know Australian publisher and broadcaster content attracts quality attention and audiences and now the evidence shows these environments also bring greater attention to the advertising surrounding the content. The research shows that in premium environments, people have a greater opportunity to be exposed to advertising, and when they are, they pay more attention to it,” she added.

Specific findings of the research revealed an average hour of premium video generates 6:08 minutes of advertising exposure, 2.2 times more than YouTube (2:41 minutes) and 16 times more than Facebook or Instagram video (23 seconds).

The ThinkPremiumDigital research noted that like with any advertising, consumers aren’t paying attention 100% of the time.

1 hour of time spent

During an average hour of consumption, premium video generates 5 mins of advertising attention, 2.6 times more than YouTube (1:54 mins) and 25 times more than Facebook or Instagram video (12 secs).

So in order to generate one minute of advertising attention, 12 minutes of premium video is required compared to 31:57 minutes of YouTube video and a whopping five hours of Facebook or Instagram video.

This phase of the Benchmark study involved 350 lab respondents with attention during media consumption gauged using eye-tracking and neurometric measures. In-home and out-of-home media consumption was also measured with a further 583 respondents.

Time spent needed to generate 1 minute of ad attention

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