Sophie Madden: "The Inspiration X presentations consistently strike a balance between being informative and entertaining, with a healthy dose of provocation thrown...
The MFA's Sophie Madden said that "industry education and training is the next crucial step to ensure a successful rollout."
"I was wowed by the calibre of media thinking and the work that’s gone into delivering clear and powerful entries."
"He's just really bored, scared of being irrelevant or forgotten, or he's overly sensitive because of what's happening in the US."
Tony Hale isn't convinced a local Pitch Positive Pledge will work in the 'Wild West frontier' that is the local ad market.
Sophie Madden also spoke about celebrating the achievements at the Awards and living out the "We Are The Changers"
Marketing expert Gaye Steel will facilitate the masterclasses
The program is the first of its kind in the Australian media agency industry
The Media i Awards are the only awards program solely dedicated to recognising the contribution of media owners
MFA census shows 8.5% staff growth: 3,056 now employed by MFA member agencies
MFA launches 2015 Awards on Seven with Sophie Madden, Greg Graham & Andrew O'Keefe