Reddit unveils new and improved search capabilities


Updates include new media search tab, media search within subreddits and accessibility features 

Reddit has announced several updates aimed at making searching on Reddit on native mobile apps and mobile web easier, more engaging and more accurate.

New media search tab 

Based on research and redditor feedback, the platform is introducing a new media tab on our search results page on native Android and iOS apps. Previously, redditors would need to scroll through results on the posts tab to find specific media. With this latest update, redditors now have the option to browse media results — videos, GIFs, and images — all at once.  


Media search within subreddits  

Similar to the media tab on the main search page, redditors looking for specific media content within a subreddit can now click on the search bar on a community page, type in their search, and view media associated with that subreddit under the new tab. 


Simpler search results page

Reddit is also updating the search results page design to simplify the browsing experience by cutting the clutter and introducing a sleeker format, making it easier and more intuitive to find the content users seek. 

Adding accessibility features 

The posts and comments tabs on the search result page are now screen reader compatible on native mobile apps. The platform is adding labels, roles/traits, values, and states to all elements on these pages to help redditors discover content and take action. If a redditor uses a screen reader, they can hear the actions available and the results returned on these tabs.


Easier and faster search on mobile web 

Reddit also rolled out web improvements for logged-out visitors, and with this upgrade, new features have also been added to the logged-out search experience on the mobile web. These updates allow us to have a consistent search experience across all of our surfaces, and learnings from testing show it makes search 85% faster on mobile web.

Additional updates include:

New distinct tabs for community and comment search results. Previously, this was not available.
Sort-by-time content filters in the posts and comments tabs are now on mobile web, similar to native mobile apps and desktop. 
An updated and simplified design more consistent with native apps.

Improved spam filters 

Across all Reddit surfaces on native apps and mobile web and desktop, we improved spam filters to ensure people find high-quality content and relevant post results. 

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