Reddit research shows the power online communities have for brands


The research coincides with Reddit’s presence at Cannes this year

Got a question? Need advice? A recommendation on what to buy? There’s a Reddit community for that. Every second an average of two people ask Reddit communities for a recommendation, and they receive an average of seven personalized responses in return.

As the team head back to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for another year, they’re diving into the strength and effectiveness of these recommendations and their impact on purchase decisions, with new research to inspire the event activation.

Introducing Reddit Recommends

One of the main reasons people come to Reddit is to be informed by recommendations they trust. Previous research has found that people trust the recommendations they get from the platform’s communities more than other sources, because they come from real people who are informed, engaged, and speaking from experience.

To coincide with Reddit’s presence at Cannes this year, the platform is releasing new research that will break down the recommendations sought and given on Reddit to better understand the role these conversations play in driving purchase decisions. The team will be looking at recommendations by key categories, their effectiveness in driving the trial of a new product or brand, and other indicators of consumer sentiment and spend. They will also reveal a list of the most recommended brands by redditors across key categories.

“There’s nothing more powerful than trusted, word-of-mouth recommendations when it comes to making a purchase decision. Reddit has long served as a go-to curation for trusted recommendations online, thanks to our highly engaged and deeply invested audience. Having a consumer advocate on behalf of your brand when there’s nothing in it for them is the ultimate endorsement, but it doesn’t happen without genuine connection and a meaningful value exchange.” said Reddit’s VP of business marketing, Timo Pelz.

“This new research aims to break down what redditors are recommending and why, as well as help brands better understand how to build real connections and lasting impact with their audiences. We’re looking forward to sharing actionable insights and takeaways with the marketers, whether they’re activating on Reddit or looking to inform their wider strategies.”

Reddit on La Croisette

After welcoming more than 1,200 guests through the Explorer’s Club last year, Reddit heading back to the shores of Cannes for another year with a new activation. With new research, the team will be bringing to life the conversations and recommendations taking place in some of the most influential Reddit communities. Packed full of all usual Reddit quirks, the event space will share best practice campaign examples, the unique (and powerful) characteristics of its audience, and the communities growing in influence. Guests will walk away with an understanding of how to drive business success on Reddit and inspiration for their next campaign.

Here’s a small taste of what to expect:

The Reddit Recommendation Journey: Guests can take a journey down the consumer recommendation path on Reddit, starting with a question and following the prompts to land on a recommendation, navigating the community responses along the way.

Takes on the latest industry trends: Reddit will be serving up data-packed analysis and insights into the latest movements that matter most to the industry, like how consumer influence is shifting and the impact this has on marketing strategies.

The anatomy of a recommendation on Reddit: Guests can dive into the most common questions posed, and discover why recommendations from redditors are so trusted and the impact they have on brands.

See Also: Reddit Blackout: Popular subs to go offline to protest monetisation of third-party apps

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