96FM falls to #2.
SAFM drops.
Kyle and Jackie O end the year with 5% of the Melbourne Breakfast share.
B105 also keep #1 breakfast.
WSFM drops to #4.
The sacking of McDonald has overshadowed changes being announced across ABC Radio stations today.
Triple M tumbles.
Triple M breakfast rulers.
No Susie bump at Nova.
KIIS ranks #3 and 2GB now ranks #4.
3AW breakfast has three successive 20%+ surveys for first time since 2021.
Nova CEO Peter Charlton: ‘Seeing Susie transform from medal winner to ratings winner has been an absolute pleasure.’
Revenues surge at UK newsbrand, Kamala Harris in Vogue, Australian Survivor in court, NRL talks TV dominance, Tony Armstrong on the move?
Byrnes: 'I think it'd be safe to say that we're returning more to news and opinion [at 4BC].'