Mediaweek’s Ad Placement of the Month rings in a new era with Darren Woolley

Mediaweek's Ad Placement of the Month - feature

Darren Woolley: “When a great creative idea is placed in the best possible context for the audience, then the magic happens”

Mediaweek’s Ad Placement of the Month is ringing in a new era with Darren Woolley, Global CEO of TrinityP3, stepping in as a judge for the series.

Along with the welcomed addition of Woolley as the new judge, the monthly series now has a new and improved submission process, which can be accessed here.

The monthly series was launched early this year to showcase the creative work and placements of agencies from that month, why it was special and what made its placement stand out.

Going forward, the series will take it one step further by looking at the effectiveness of creative messaging through high-quality media strategy, planning and the innovation of the placement.

The new formalised submission process will involve a short questionnaire and will also accept imagery and video assets to assist with putting an entry’s case forward.

Mediaweek’s agency editor Alisha Buaya will continue to spearhead the series with Woolley, marketing/agency editor-at-large, casting his expert eye and opinion on the submissions. They will deliberate over the different contenders, effectiveness, innovation of placement, media insight, quality of creative message and memorability.

Woolley said of the series: “Mediaweek’s Ad Placement of the Month is a reminder for the whole industry that creative and media are inextricably linked.

“When a great creative idea is placed in the best possible context for the audience, then the magic happens. Each month we will be looking for those advertisers and their agencies who go above and beyond to create magic,” he added.

Entries for this month close September 28th as deliberations will be made earlier ahead of the October 2nd public holiday. The Ad Placement of The Month will be announced on October 4th.

Ad Placement of the Month has lauded the work of agencies such as Initiative, UM, EssenceMediacom, Howatson+Company and Avenue C & QMS.

Notable placements include the transformation of Melbourne Central into Mario Central, the entire Barbie movie campaign, Avenue C & QMS’ Welcome to Hell billboard for Diablo IV and UM’s City2Surf campaign for Hahn beer.

See also: Past winners of Mediaweek’s Ad Placement of The Month

Top image: Darren Woolley 

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