Mediaweek Agency 50: Half Dome’s MD Tom Frazer reflects on important industry issues

Mediaweek - Tom Frazer - Half Dome

“It’s a very humbling feeling to be recognised on the list alongside many of the talented leaders and legends that make our industry so great”

Mediaweek held its inaugural Power Lunch in October, celebrating the successes of the media industry and the people who make it.

Tom Frazer, managing director of Half Dome and IMAA Leadership Team, reached #21 on the Agency 50 list.
Frazer chatted to Mediaweek about how Half Dome is addressing the talent shortage, the future of work and price, as well as the continued rise of independent agencies across Australia.

Mediaweek: Congratulations on making the #21 spot on our Mediaweek Agency 50 list. What was your reaction to your placement?

TF: It’s a very humbling feeling to be recognised on the list alongside many of the talented leaders and legends that make our industry so great.
Half Dome wouldn’t exist without my two business partners, Will Harms and Joe Frazer, of whom I’m extremely proud. Making this list is also a huge credit and reflection of them.
MW: How does your position on the list reflect the achievements made by Half Dome?

TF: Together, a big idea has turned into an amazing reality. Our achievements along the way continue to justify that; placing competitively on this list is yet another reflection of this, and we know there are still big things to come.

MW: What are three industry issues on your mind, and in your opinion, how can they be solved or achieved?

TF: We work in a people-based industry, and the three key issues that are most important to us at Half Dome are addressing the talent shortage, the future of work and price:
• The Talent Shortage:

We are still feeling the effects of a global talent shortage. Whilst we’ve started to see indicators that this may be subsiding, attracting good people remains a challenge.
Many aspects of this are within the control of agencies, particularly around creating the best possible workplace, which we have worked hard on at Half Dome. Our flexible work initiatives including our flex and unlimited paid annual leave policies are examples of this, which are designed to support creating an environment where people can thrive. However, within the bounds of the macro environment, some things are out of our control.
• The Future of Work:

How to create a workplace environment that motivates people, keeps them happy and drives high performance in the face of evolving perceptions around things like flexibility is a challenge.
Being surrounded by people in person to collaborate, debate and learn is an important part of our journey back as an industry. Finding the right balance is key.
• Price:

Inflation has been a real challenge over the last 12 months, and in a people-based industry, this hurts. Instead of being asked to do more for less, the conversation needs to shift to how real value is created.
MW: What is your outlook for Half Dome in 2023?
TF: This is a really exciting time for Half Dome. 2023 will be a year we really grow up, and there are many exciting announcements on the horizon from a people perspective, new clients and our product itself.
MW: What are your hopes for the industry in 2023?
TF: I love seeing the continued rise of independent agencies across Australia, and I hope this continues in 2023.

Top image: Tom Frazer

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