Barry Du Bois announces plans to enter parliament

barry du bois

• His goal is to “keep the bastards honest.”

The Living Room’s Barry ‘Baz’ Du Bois has announced he’s running for a seat in the Senate in the next Federal Election with a goal to “keep the bastards honest.”

“It’s time for the average Australian to be given a seat at the table,” Du Bois said.  “For too long, politicians have used complicated language to hide the fact not everyone’s been getting a fair go.

“This is not about being left-wing or right-wing or whether you like ScoMo or Albo. This is about getting an Independent in the Senate, to review legislation and to make sure it will create a prosperous Australia for everyone.  Not just the privileged few with money and influence.

 “We’ve all being let down by a system where deals are done behind closed doors and where big corporations and the lobbyists have all the power.  My promise is to be the voice for the everyday citizen.  I will look at every bit of legislation through their eyes, to evaluate how it will personally affect them, their family and the Australia that’s going to be left behind for their kids.”

Du Bois hosts 10’s successful lifestyle show The Living Room and works for various charities including the Cancer Council, Hummingbird House, and R U OK? Day.

Du Bois’ promise is to evaluate every law based on his charter – Seven ‘Fair Go for all’ Pillars:

Meeting our needs economically, environmentally and socially without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

Striking the right balance between Capitalism and the free market. Working towards a fairer tax system, and a model that relies less on corporate welfare. To create a nation of wealth for the Commonwealth and the individual.

A culture that is inclusive and based on respect, clear communication and radical transparency.

Education is the future of our nation. It must be free, equal and accessible to all.

Medical care, health and medicines must be accessible to all regardless of wealth, location, age or condition. We’re a rich country compared to most. We need to do better.

The word ‘Commonwealth’ refers to sharing the ‘common’ ‘wealth’ – the riches of one’s country. Yet Australia’s wealth is enjoyed by a privileged few. We need to work more cohesively so everyone can enjoy the spoils.

Radical transparency means we govern openly and fairly so the citizen who voted for me has full disclosure on all interactions conduct on their behalf.

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